Administrator's Guide


AuditionAdmin is the easiest way to manage entries, score tabulation, and results posting for honor band and choir auditions. This guide contains directions for setting up and managing your event.

Manging Entries

Searching Entries

To search for an entry or entries, go to the "Entry Management" menu and choose "Search / Modify Entries." Enter as many or as few search criteria as you would like then click "Search Entries." You may choose how the entries will be sorted by clicking one of the options above the search criteria.

To delete an entry, click the trash can icon on the far right of the row. There are links to the left of each row to print an audition card for that entry or to edit that entry.

A few notes on the edit entry form:

Audition Settings

To setup some basic preferences for your audition, go to the "Event Setup" menu and choose "Event Settings." Here's a brief overview of what each setting means.

Organization Name
The full name of the organization sponsoring the event. This will appear in the title of all web pages and on invoices.
Organization Abbreviation
A shortened name for your organization. This will appear in places where there just isn't room for the full orgnaization name.
Administrator Name and Administrator Email
The name and email of the person in charge of your auditions. This is the person the site will ask directors to contact if they have trouble with their entries.
Payment Address
This address will be printed on invoices. It's where you want payment to be sent.
Late Entry Fee
How much do you charge for entries after the deadline. Please note, theses entries will have to be made by an administrator. Directors are not able to enter students after the entry deadline.
Grade Range
The minimum and maximum grades that are available for entries.
Computer Draw
Do you want the system to automatically add draw numbers, randomizing the order in which students will perform.
Judges Per Room
The number of judges in each room. If this varies, enter the largest number of judges found in any of your rooms.
Subscores Per Judge
How many subscores are there for each entry. If this varies, enter the largest number of subscores that will be assigned by any judge.
Registration Code
A code that is necessary to create an account on the system. You will need to provide this code to the directors who will be entering students. This step is necessary to prevent just anyone from creating an account and entries for your audition.
Default State
State that is preselected when someone creates an account.
Registration site URL
The URL of your registration site. You should not change this unless there is a good reason.
Testing Mode
Testing mode allows a few extra features for testing the site out, including assigning random scores to all entries.
Outgoing mail name and addres
When the site sends an message - such as for forgotten passwords and creation of accounts - what name and address should be used as the sender. This does not have to be (and probably shouldn't be) an address that can receive mail.

Manage Auditions

Withing the AuditionAdmin system, an audition is a group of entires who are competing with each other. It coud be an instrument or a voice part. Only entries in the same audition will be compared to each other.

To work with the auditions available at your event, go to the "Event Setup" menu and choose "Auditions."

To add an entry, complete the form at the top of the page. A description of the fields appears below. To edit an audition, click it's name in the audition list. If you wish to set an audition group, entry deadline, and entry fee for a group of entries simultaneously, click the box for the entries you would like to change, and complete the form at the bottom of the page.

Audition Fields

The name of the audition. Usually an instrument or voice part.
Any time there is a list of auditions, they are sorted by the order field. Auditions with a lower order number will appear first in any list.
Audition Group
This field is only needed if students are able to accept seats earned in multiple auditions. For example, if you hold auditions for a concert band and a jazz band where students are allowed to participate in both ensembles, all of your concert band auditions should be in one audition group, and your jazz band auditions should be in another. If there is no way for students to accept a seat in more than one audition, then all of your auditions should use the same audition group.
Entry Deadline
The last date directors are able to make entries into the system. After this date, directors will not be able to add or delete entries into that audition. Also, late fees will appear on invoices for any entries made by an added by audition administrators.
Entry Fee
The entry fee for this audition.

Managing Ensembles

Ensembles are the groups into which students who are selected for your groups will be placed. For example, you may have a Wind Ensemble, a Symphonic Band, and a Concert Band. You should also create an ensemble called "Alternates" if you select alternates for your group.

To manage your ensembles, go to the "Event Setup" menu and choose "Ensembles." On this screen, you can click on an existing ensemble to modify it, or fill out the "Create Ensemble" form to create a new one.

A short code for the ensemble, used in places where there isn't enough room to print the entire ensemble name
The full name of the ensemble
The rank of the ensembles. Lower is better. The highest scoring entries will be placed in the highest ranked ensembles first.

Acceptance Limits (Instrumentation)

To set limits on how many students will be accepted in each audition, go to the "Event Setup" menu and choose "Acceptance Limits." You must have first set up your auditions and ensembles. For each audition, set the maximum and minimum number accepted into each ensemble. When the form is complete, click "submit" at the bottom of the page.


Every audition has to have a place to happen. To add a room, enter a description for the room and click "Create Room." This can be a room number or something like "Band Room," or "Choir Room." This will be printed on the audition cards for entries assigned to that room.

At the top of the Room Assignments table, you will find "Homeless Auditions," auditions that have not yet been assigned a room. Starting out, you'll find all of your auditions here. Just choose a room that you would like to assign that audition to from the dropdown.

Below the homeless auditions, you'll see a block for each room. From here, you may change a room's description, or delete the room. Deleting the room will make the auditions in it homeless. For each audition, you may choose a different room if you want to move it. The Order field determines in what order the auditions will be printed on the monitor's sign in sheets.

Managing Users

Users are anyone able to login to the site - directors, tabulators, and audition administrators. To manage users, go to the "Users and Schools" menu and choose "Manage Users."

You can add a user by clicking the "Create New User" link at the bottom of the list. To edit a user, click on their username. A description of the fields is available below.

The username the user will use to login with. You cannot change this for an existing user.
Set a password for the user. You must enter it twice and they must match.
The user's real name.
The user's email address.
Cell Phone
The user's cell phone number
School with which the user is associated, if any
Head Director
Is this user their school's head director? Each school only has one head director. This user is able to manage the accounts of other users associated with their school.
Choosing yes here will grant the user permission to enter scores, seat students in ensembles, and publish results.
Choosing yes here will grant the user permssion to all administrator functions on the site. Administrators also have access to tabulator functions regardless of the selection above.

Manage Schools

To manage schools entering your auditions, go to the "Users and Schools" menu and choose "Manage Schools." From here, you may click on a school's name to edit the school's info, or you may click the "Create New School" link at the bottom of the page to add a new school. A description of the fields on the school form is available below.

The name of the school. You shoud be cautious of letting this be too long as it can make results pages cut it off. For example, use Bugtussel or Bugtussel HS instead of Bugtussel High School.
Address, City, Sate, and Zip
These set the address for the school

If you choose to delete a school, you must let the system know what to do with any entries that exist and are associated with the school. You may choose to delete the entries, or reassign them to another existing school. Make your choice before clicking "Delete School." Any users that are associated with the school will still exist, but will not be associated with any schoo.

Administrative Functions

In the Admin Functions menu, we find a few important functions that we will need as we run our auditions.

Run Draw
This will randomly assign a draw number to each entry. You should only do this once. If you run this after printing cards, the existing cards should be destroyed and new ones printed as the numbers on the cards will no longer match the ones in the system.
Accept Non-Doublers
This should be run afeter all entries are complete, but before you begin seating students in ensembles. The system will check for any students that are not doublers and make sure they choose to accept a seat if qualified. This will clear all doubler decisions and unpublish all results
Clear all scores
This will reset the system to a state prior to any score data being entered. This is not undoable.
Fill Random Scores
Only available in test mode, this will enter random scores for all entries so that you may experiment with the seating pages. Prior to auditions, you should clear all scores and disable test mode.
Regenerate Results Pages
If it appears there are errors with results pages, click here to rebuild them.
View logs
Almost everything that happens is logged. If you suspect something not kosher has happened, here's where you can research it.